Happiness, Contentment, Peace, a Positive Attitude, and a Great Life!
People ask me quite often how it is that I am always so upbeat. My answer is always the same, “because I choose to be.” Through “Discover the Passion,” I will share my thoughts, and other words and stories I have read about, what some may call Radical Wisdom. What you do with it is your choice. As for me and my family, we put our Hope, Trust, and Faith in Jesus Christ! –Tracy Hussey
How Are Things? Part 2, Taking Responsibility
Last week I talked about where you and your spouse are in regards to your marriage. Take a minute and go back and scan over it. I suggested one of four modes. Growth, Even-keel, Over-confident or Trouble mode. I ask you and your spouse to each find 1 word to define your marriage and then…
How are Things... Really? Part 1
I don't claim to be a relationship expert. Those of you that know Kim and I personally, know that I have pissed her off from time to time over the last 22 years. But I really have gotten better at not doing that. Most of what I'm writing today is insight and my thoughts, from a…
The Gun Only Goes Off Once!
I spent some time this week, reading about a man named Levi Lusko. He describes himself as a husband, father, author, pastor, and nerd. In a tweet, he wrote, "It's much better to start a day right than to manage a day gone wrong. You only get one chance to start! Your day, a race,…
Do You Feel Me?
Do you feel me? It's a question that you hear from time to time, but I had never heard it in a biblical sense until earlier this year. The last time it was said to me, I knew exactly what this good friend was saying. I knew what he meant. His exact words…
A Problem or a Fact?
I read a quote from former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres. He said, and I quote, "If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact, not to be solved but to be coped with over time.". This really made me stop and think. If you spend any time…
Why We Need Grace!
As a child, my mom took my brother and me to church every Sunday. It was just down the street from our house. It was Garden City Christian Union Church. It only held about 70 people and most Sundays our numbers were around 45 in attendance. Looking back, I hated going. I was a kid.…