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Rules and Traditions

In Acts 15: 10-11, Peter writes. “So why are you now challenging God by burdening the Gentile believers with a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors were able to bear?” We believe we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus. Have you been blessed to get acquainted with believers of many different denominations? Different rules are ingrained into us and lived out in faith based on our denomination. During Lent, some people don’t eat meat, some reject watching television or movies, and some set up the altar only while wearing gloves. These may be rules of your Church, but many are unspoken traditions. For example, new babies being baptized or leaving the Sanctuary after the Good Friday Service in silense.
We place a high regard on traditions. They can be a lovely expression of our devotion when we make choices that show respect and our willingness to sacrifice and to please God. The problem arises when we impose our traditions on others or trust in those traditions instead of our Savior. In Acts 15, the leaders of the early Church insisted that Gentiles obey all the ceremonial rules. Peter reminds us that our regulations cannot save us. Our rules encourage us to make good choices and prevent temptation. They are an honored tradition passed down through the generations. Our traditions serve us best when they are a grateful response to Christ. But they are not what gives us salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior is the only way Salvation and Eternal Life can be obtained. Take some time and consider if there is a burdensome tradition for you, and then ask Jesus to show you if you’re following that rule for the wrong reason!

Make it a great day!


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